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8 Week Transformative Healing Journey

Combining working with your subconscious mind, your body and your nervous system to heal wounds/trauma AS WELL AS deep dive into understanding your unique Human Design blueprint to learn about your energetic map & user guide of your nature and your journey in THIS lifetime. 

Are you ready to step into a more empowered and inspired you? 

You know it is time to release the past and stop dragging the weight of old wounds. You know you are ready to grow. 

You desire to embrace the ease and flow that can be yours.

You desire release from the subconscious struggle keeping you stuck.

You know there is a better way. 

You want to claim a life of presence, joy and ease.


A life where your soul is free to explore and expand. 

You know you are a divinely worthy and powerful woman, beyond ready to be set free.


Imagine if…. 

You woke each day, confident you were no longer controlled by the of chaos of your emotions and limiting beliefs. 


Instead, you claim back your power from the mayhem in your mind. 

You finally felt able to delve into your soul calling, free from the limiting beliefs that held you back for so long. 

You were so deeply supported and felt safe to release the unconscious patterns that have been holding you back.

This is all possible for you beautiful soul. 


It takes a Herculean feat to do this work alone, that's why I created…. AMPLIFY your LIGHT 

This transformation combines MORE THAN 7 potent modalities of healing, making for a remarkably thorough and WILDLY EFFECTIVE program. 

The feedback I have received from soul clients, speaks of such a powerful and positive transformation, that I wanted to make this life-changing experience available to as many women as possible. 

My calling is to help you understand yourself, using your Human Design blueprint and Gene Keys, to help you see your magic behind the conditioning, the lived experiences and trauma that may blocking you from being able to see it yourself.

Learning about and understanding your Human Design blueprint gives you permission to embrace YOUR OWN PATH, knowing that you have been given the perfect set of energetic tools to do what you came here to do. It will transform the way you see yourself, it is a journey of self love and self acceptance, in understanding how incredibly unique we all are.

You are not here to compare your journey to anyone else’s or follow another person’s path, you are here to be your unique authentic self.

Your Human Design blueprint is not here to tell you to change anything about yourself, it is here to show you your energies highest potential, a remembrance of who you are, before the world told you to be another way.

Once you start seeing and understanding yourself in this expanded way, you can see where you have been out of alignment, this could be due to life experiences or conditioning. We each have areas within our charts that are vulnerable to particular wounds and being conditioned by others. Having an understanding about how these areas are designed, how to heal, navigate and embrace the gifts they bring will awaken you to the potential and the magic that lays within.



Journey from a space of stuck in stress and overwhelm, to consciously creating your dream life. 

Release the root cause of your limiting beliefs and realise the immense potential you were born with.

Release the build up of stored emotional baggage within your body and nervous system, so you can experience your emotions in the present moment, without the distorted patterns from the past.


Respond to your experiences instead of react, becoming more aware and conscious when you are faced with stressful experiences

Feel lighter within yourself, as your personal vibration rises from releasing what has been holding you back.

Embody the 2.0 version of a more present, empowered and inspired you. 

Surrender your subconscious struggles and allow for abundance and alignment. 

Be gently and powerfully guided. Every step of the way, you will be held inside a safe, supportive space. 

Hear about Tamara's Experience having been through AMPLIFY your LIGHT

I know you may be thinking…… 

“Yeah sure. Heard this before. Will it REALLY work?” 

Here is the thing. 

I know you have tried it all. 

You have tried every method under the sun, but nothing sticks. Nothing gave you the deep shifts you were after. 

I get it.

You've been doing the inner work for years now. The journaling, the healing, meditating, practicing mindfulness, all the things.


But you never felt truly supported or understood by anyone who helped you. 

I have been there. 

I have been doing my own healing work for years (I became a Reiki Master in 2012) and although I have access to the beautiful Reiki energy, I felt I needed something that would support me on a deeper level. I tried everything I could find to get the depth of healing and support that I craved. I would usually feel the short term effects but never the long-term breakthroughs I was after.

That was until I started working with my subconscious mind and my nervous system (which is where our undigested life experiences and unprocessed survival stress stay until it is completed via sensations in the body) these were the keys I had been searching for to help me achieve the deep long term shifts I had be desiring.


I loved the transformation so much that I undertook training in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Matrix Therapies, Root Cause Therapy and The Spiral Emotion Clearing to be able to take you though these transformative processes myself.

Learning about Human Design has given me the chance to really find myself, to understand myself on such a deep level, feel confident in who I am here to be, what I am here to learn and share with others. I want to share this with you by helping you understand how to embody your own chart too.

I have created the potent transformative program I was searching for, for you.


Over an 8 week period, we will meet online for a weekly 90 minute 1:1 Zoom session


We will dive in-depth into establishing your intention for the journey, so that we can remove the unconscious blocks getting in the way of who you are wanting to be. Together, we design a completely individualised experience. 

You will be taken through your Human Design chart, learn about how your energy is designed to function, your strengths, your weak spots (how to understand and work with them) and your gifts.

You will powerfully root clear emotional baggage (from past unresolved life experience) and limiting beliefs from your nervous system, making room for mind-blowing freedom and possibility.

You will transform your relationship to any limiting beliefs getting in the way of who you are wanting to become. You will release the triggers and no longer be their captive. 

We will hold the hand of your inner child and give them the love, comfort and protection they needed during the moments they deeply needed it.

From learning about your Human Design and Gene Key's charts, you will learn about:

  • How you are designed to make decisions, create opportunities, know when you are on track and when you are off track. 

  • The Archetype you naturally embody ie. how you are designed to energetically show up.

  • How to work with and understand your energy centres to maximise your energies potential and avoid burnout.

  • Understand the areas you are here to gain wisdom by learning from others, recognise when you are experiencing their energy vs. being in your own and how to call your power back.

  • How you best process information.

  • Your unique gifts.

  • Your purpose ie. the role you are here to play out over the course of your life, your deepest inner essence.

  • Your greatest challenges/life lessons, through understanding them you are able to allow, accept and embrace them, transforming them from an unconscious negative pattern to be able to open your heart to them, therefore unlocking the gift they contain.

  • Your Core Wound you are here to transform into your genius.

  • Your unique key to calling prosperity and specific shadow that blocks prosperity flowing into your life.

  • Your aligned environment, what you are motivated by, your unique perspective, how you best digest food and experiences.

Possibilities for the Healing part of the sessions include:

(the healing tool we use will depend on what you need on the day of the session)

  • An Emotion Chakra Clear (bringing trapped subconscious emotions to the surface to clear from your energy centres)

  • Energy field clearing

  • Statement Clearing (helping diffuse emotional charge from a belief)

  • Quadrant Clearing (if you have internal conflict)

  • An NLP quick change Process

  • Energetically Clearing your relationship to anyone/anything in your life/future version of yourself

  • Root Clearing an emotion or belief (this deeply clears the long held energetic charge from either a past life, past generation, when you were in the womb or when you were a child)

  • Inner child healing

  • Release emotions that have created an energetic wall around the heart from past hurtful experiences

  • Resolving the survival energy from trauma (that you are ready to release) from within the nervous system

  • Clearing anxiety or stress from a future event

  • Discovering the unconscious reason for physical pain

  • A Manifestation Clear (getting clear on what you are calling in and removing subconscious blocks in the way)

With your permission, I will open the divinely healing realm of your Akashic Record with each session. Simply being inside this beautiful, pure energy invites in energetic clearing and healing, within the most supportive space.

This is a place for you to be seen, to be energetically held, heard and nurtured in a safe space, as you allow yourself to release and let go of what has been holding you back.

My guarantee; 

That I meet you exactly where you are at, help you understand yourself on a deep level, hold space for you and take the hand of your inner child; allowing you to let go of what no longer serves your truest and highest self. 

Investment $1555 AUD

Payment Plan: 
Pay $390 x 4 fortnightly payments

Feedback from the Program

Why did you choose to work with Claire? What were you struggling with / frustrated about / feeling stuck on / trying to achieve before starting the Program?

I was working through loosing my Mum and working on clearing past traumas to help with my healing work with my clients.

What changes have you noticed in your life/ mind/ attitude/ body/ relationships/ self since completing the Program?

I have more clarity, I don't seem to be triggered in negative ways as I had been prior to the coaching program. I have let go of so much baggage you could call it and I feel lighter and like my life is more easy going.

What did you like most about the Program?

I loved the process of working through different feelings, emotional trauma, and the process of clearing them. I also loved how Claire held me through the process and gave me a safe space to work through these tough things I had experienced.

If you had to describe The Program in a single phrase:

Game changer, I was able to let go of so much, I feel lighter and freer

I would describe Claire (as a person) and working with her as...

Claire is very professional and passionate about what she does. She holds space for you and nurtures you as you work through the process. Claire is very supportive as tough emotions arise and I would love to work with her again at some point.

- Aimee F

AMPLIFY your LIGHT is PERFECT for the soul who….. 

Knows she is ready to uplevel, knows she is here to shatter the glass ceiling of shame and struggle. 

Because she deserves more. 

Is committed to doing the deep inner work, to allow her to break free from the barriers in her mind. 

Desires to embody the empowered 2.0 version of herself. 

Understands the power that sparks from the ability to become more present, aware AND at ease.

Feeling drawn to working with me but aren't in the position to do the 8 week package, why not try a once off 1.5hour Realign Session?

I do also offer The Spiral (9 week journey) in rounds, as a separate offering at certain times of the year. The Spiral is more intensive than this program (I recommend starting with AMPLIFY your LIGHT and only if you feel called to continue your journey, moving onto The Spiral) and can be likened to an emotional and spiritual detox, click here to learn more.​​

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