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The Spiral 

“The Spiral is the deepest emotional baggage clearing process known to man. The process of going through the Spiral is equivalent to about 7 years of personal development in 7 weeks. Whether you want to get over your shit or unlock your potential, or expand your consciousness, the Spiral delivers results"

If you are done feeling frustrated every time you try to go deeper in your own healing, unable to get the long-lasting shifts you would like on your own, and you are ready to experience your next level of expansion...


The Spiral might just be your next step...

You know just how important the inner work is in helping you get to your next level…

You struggle when it comes to feelings of worthiness…

You feel a lack of confidence and imposter syndrome when it comes to fully sharing your intuitive gifts with the world…

You want to get out of your own way by releasing all the blocks you KNOW are HOLDING YOU BACK...

You feel ready to take yourself to the next level of your expansion...

But you aren’t sure how to get yourself there…

That was me too.

Until the Universe drew me to The Spiral.

After becoming a Reiki Master in 2012 and spending many years doing my own healing, I quickly learnt that in order have deep internal shifts and feel true peace within myself, I also needed to work with my subconscious mind and my nervous system.

We all have a backpack of conditioning we are carrying within our subconscious mind (the unconscious part of us responsible for 96% of our actions, leaving just 4% that we are consciously aware of). Each of us are working through our evolution but we can sometimes get stuck... it is our baggage, our stories that keep us stuck and trapped emotions hold our stories in place.

The Spiral works directly with the subconscious mind and will help you let go of this baggage so you can align with your highest timeline.

The Spiral is here to raise the consciousness of the planet, one individual at a time.

It has an indescribable magical energy to it.

🌟 One of my main reasons for longing to do this deep type of healing work myself was because I knew that my conditioning, beliefs and past trauma were getting in the way of me fully accessing my intuition and I was on a mission to fully claim my gifts and get out of my own way.

🌟 I also wanted to do this work so that I could stop being a reactive Mum, I wanted to increase my self awareness and release what was no longer serving me, to help me deepen my connection with my children.

🌟 I wanted to step into the best version of myself, the version that would stand up for her beliefs, claim her worth, follow her soul calling and ultimately guide others back to seeing their own light and greatness within.

Yep I had big ambitions!

And you know what, after going through The Spiral, I have achieved all I set out to when I was searching for that deeper healing.

I loved the transformation so much from my journey through The Spiral that I trained as a Practitioner, so that I can facilitate this deep transformation and help other women step into the 2.0 version of themselves and reclaim their innate worth and divinity.

If you are someone who has been searching for something different, something that will help you heal on a deep level, and are interested in cleaning up the emotional baggage from 22 emotions, The Spiral might be your next step.

What is The Spiral?

The Spiral is a powerful modality that combines Kinesiology muscle testing, Spiral Dynamics, The Scale of Consciousness, Chinese meridian points, NLP and the Chakra System.


The Spiral process itself is a 7 stage process (going up through the chakras), that root clears and balances 22 emotions, working directly with your subconscious mind to uncover hidden behavioural patterns that are preventing you from moving forward, it then helps you clear and up level in a seemingly magical way.


It is a powerful transformational tool (which can be likened to an emotional and energetic boot camp) that helps remove whatever is in the way to getting what you really want.

It is called The Spiral because, by starting at the base chakra and moving up through the chakras, we are able to work our way around and up, it is a ladder of evolution.


It works by addressing the anchoring of emotions that are stored in our body at pivotal moments in our childhood. We may not consciously remember these moments of anchoring... but our body remembers. This anchoring forms our stories and our conditioning. The Spiral undoes all of that… it goes to the root cause…. Identifies the ages and body memory and releases it. 


Shining a light on the unconscious, allows us to bring it into conscious awareness, so we can release it and let it go. The result is a whole new perspective, not being held back from the past, it changes your relationship with the emotion and speeds up your ability to let go.

The Spiral magnetises the souls who are destined to go through the incredible life changing process. 

It is for those who are willing to face the depths of suppressed emotions that may come up during the journey, knowing that on the other side of this journey is an expansion like no other. 

It is not for everyone.

But for those it is for, you will feel that magnetic pull.

Who is The Spiral for?

  • The Spiral is for those who are committed to their growth and personal development

  • The Spiral is for those who want to unlock their highest potential

  • The Spiral is for those who have been on the healing path and have been searching for a way to release and let go of negative conditioning

  • The Spiral is for those who want expanded awareness and higher consciousness

  • The Spiral is for those who KNOW they are meant for greater things but have not been able to access that part of themselves.

What to Expect?

The Spiral is delivered over 9, 1:1 Zoom sessions, over a 9 week period. Week 1 is a Spiral Manifestation Clear (We will get clear on your intention for your journey and what tangible result are you calling in), weeks 2 through to 8 involve going up each Chakra (focusing on one Chakra each week) and week 9 is a final integration session including an Identity Manifestation clear (now that you have let go of all that conditioning, what does the 2.0 version of yourself look like).

The sessions are 1:1 and take approximately 60 minutes over Zoom.


The Spiral differs from some other methods in that it can be a deeply unconscious, and energetic change, so there may not be obvious changes that take place within the session that you are is consciously aware of. 


What’s most important are the changes that take place AFTER the session, as the unconscious shifts integrate into choices and behaviour. For some people there are noticeable shifts straight away, for others the shifts are revealed over time and in specific situations. 


In order to get the most from the work, homework tasks are given after each session, (including journaling and taking specific actions) to help solidify and integrate the changes that are taking place. Integration is often where you will have the most conscious awareness of the changes, and will be convinced of the effectiveness of the work. 


This work is incredibly powerful, but it’s not a magic pill. The more you work WITH the process, the more tangible your results will be.


The 7 levels of The Spiral are:   

Level 1 (Base Chakra) is all about - SELF WORTH & DESERVING 

Level 2 (Sacral Chakra) is all about - CREATIVITY & PROACTIVITY 

Level 3 (Solar Plexus Chakra) is all about - POWER & SELF-CONFIDENCE


Level 4 (Heart Chakra) is all about - LOVE & RECEIVING


Level 5 (Throat Chakra) is all about - SELF-ESTEEM & EXPRESSION 


Level 6 (Third Eye Chakra) is all about - VISION & CLARITY 


Level 7 (Crown Chakra) is all about - PURPOSE & DIVINITY

The price is $1600 AUD for the 9 week journey

Even though the the Spiral is suitable for conscious, determined and self aware people, it is not suitable for everyone. As such, screening for suitability is part of the process.


If you are interested in finding out more, please schedule a 30 minute chat to see if the Spiral is right for you.

Client Love

Why did you choose to work with Claire? What were you struggling with / frustrated about / feeling stuck on / trying to achieve before starting The Spiral?

I saw Claire post about the spiral and felt it calling me! I was feeling stuck in life, in my business!


What changes have you noticed in your life/ mind/ attitude/ body/ relationships/ self since completing The Spiral?

I have notice a massive change in all areas of my life! Physical I feel lighter! I feel safe in my boundaries, connected to my purpose, and mindset has changed dramatically I now think of all the things I'm grateful for!


What did you like most about The Spiral?

Being able to clear old stories and emotions


If you had to describe The Spiral in a single phrase:


If a friend said to you, “So, how was The Spiral? Do you think I should give it a go?” — what would you tell them?

Yes, it will change your life


I would describe Claire (as a person) and working with her as...

Safe! I felt safe to express myself! She held beautiful space for my growth and development

- Helen B

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