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Human Design Reading

1hr Zoom Session

Human Design is a self awareness tool, it is here to help you understand yourself and your soul journey in this lifetime.

The Human Design System was created by Ra Uru Hu in 1987. Based on a synthesis of Eastern and Western Astrology, the Chinese I’Ching, the Hindu Chakra System, Kabbalah, and Quantum Physics, this powerful system shows how you process energy, revealing your purpose, your strengths, your gifts, your weaknesses – and perhaps most importantly, your potential. – It is a roadmap home to your authentic self.

Your Human Design chart is imprinted the moment you are born, it is an energetic map and user guide of what your soul signed up to learn as well as the gifts you are here to bring into the world within this lifetime.

Understanding your design gives you permission to embrace your own path. Knowing that you are not here to compare your journey to anyone else’s, you are here to be your unique authentic self. Giving you permission to let go of the conditioning you may have picked up along the way. It encourages you to lean into who you are designed to be, embrace your natural gifts and stop agonising about who or what you are not.

Your chart will look something like this...

Claire's Chart.png

I remember the first time I saw my chart, it looked like some kind of alien figure and I felt so overwhelmed trying to figure it all out. Since then I have well and truly fallen down the Human Design rabbit hole and love being able to read these charts to share my insights with others.


Although you can look up your own chart online (head to, it can feel overwhelming trying to figure it all out on your own.


Human Design is incredibly in depth and in order to give you the information in an easy to understand way, I will let my intuition guide me throughout the reading. Setting the intention that it will guide me to the most beneficial areas of your chart, that will help you see your magic and empower you (without the overwhelm).

When you learn about your Human Design, you aren't going to learn anything shocking or anything you didn't know about yourself. The information will make sense and will likely make you feel at home. It is not here to say you need to change anything about yourself, it is here to show you your energy's highest potential, a remembrance of who you are before the world told you that you needed to be another way.


It will spark a deep inner knowing and cultivate a relationship with yourself that you might not have had before.

Within this 1hour Zoom reading I will cover:

  • Your Energy Type (how you energetically interact with the world)

  • How you are designed to make decisions, create opportunities, know when you are on track and when you are off track. 

  • The Archetype you naturally embody ie. how you are designed to energetically show up.

  • How to work with and understand your energy centres to maximise your energies potential and avoid burnout.

  • Understand the areas you are here to gain wisdom by learning from others, recognise when you are experiencing their energy vs. being in your own and how to call your power back.

  • How you best process information.

  • Your unique gifts and superpowers.

During the Zoom reading, I will share my screen and take you through the different elements of your chart, giving you a visual understanding, as I share what I see. 

Price is $150 AUD for a 1hour Zoom Session

Please include your DOB, time of birth and place of birth when you check out.

I also have another offering called Bite Sized Akashic Human Design Insights, it is a 25 minute recorded reading, for someone who is curious about their Human Design Chart and wants to dip their toe in, but may not feel ready or drawn to having a longer 1 hour reading. 

Client Love regarding her Human Design Reading

Big love to Claire for my Human Design Reading! Seriously blown away by her knowledge, presentation and accuracy of it all! I could not stop smiling the whole way through with how bang on it was. Claire explains it in a way that is not overwhelming and her passion and love for what she does truly shines through. Wowee! I highly recommend!

- Kirsty

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